The Ministry of Electronics and Information Technology has launched the Meri Pehchan Portal. The single sign-on platform, My Identity, authenticates citizens in a convenient and secure manner. It is a comprehensive collaboration between three popular SSO platforms: Jan Parichay, e-Praman, and DigiLocker. My Identity authenticates users using a variety of authentication parameters such as username, Mobile number, Aadhaar, PAN, and so on. If you are a resident of any Indian state, you can easily login to the portals run by the Government of India, State, and District by creating a user and password on this portal. You will not need to create separate login IDs for each portal.
Meri Pehchan Portal Username and Password
If you are a resident of any state in India, you can get information, including the benefits of schemes run by the Central Government, State Governments, and Districts, by creating a user and password on this portal. If you own a cyber cafe, you can make good money by providing benefits to your customers. The process of creating a free online username and password for this portal has begun. So, in this post, we’ve provided all of the information, step by step, as well as the necessary links, on how to access this portal and generate a Login ID.
Get benefits From Meri Pehchan Portal
MeriPehchaan Portal (My Identity), a single sign-on platform, facilitates and secures citizen authentication. It is a comprehensive collaboration between three popular SSO platforms: Jan Parichay, e-Praman, and DigiLocker. Meri Pehchaan authenticates the user using a variety of authentication parameters such as username, mobile number, Aadhaar, PAN, and so on. The goal of this portal is to provide necessary information, as well as schemes from India, States, and Districts, from a single portal.
If you are a resident of any Indian state, you can easily login to the portals run by the Government of India, State, and District by creating a user and password on this portal. You will not need to create separate login IDs for each portal.
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How To Register For Meri Pehchan Portal
- First and important, you must all visit this official website.
- The official website’s home page will appear after you visit it. Whatever happens in this manner!
- When you get to the home page, you’ll see the option to Login with JanParichay. On which you must click!
- After you click, a page similar to this will appear in front of you.
- When you arrive at this page, you will see New user? The option to sign up for MeriPehchaan will be available! On which you must click!
- After you click, a new registration form will appear in front of you. That would be something like this!
- You must now carefully complete this registration form. After that, you must select the Submit option! Following that, you will receive your Registration Id and Password. Which you must keep safe!
- After successfully registering online on the portal, you must log in.
- The dashboard will then appear in front of you.
- You can now easily take advantage of all of the services available on this dashboard! And can benefit from this portal!
Service on Meri Pehchan Portal
- You must first log in with your User Id and Password.
- Following that, you will be given a link to apply for Central Government schemes as well as State Government schemes from all states.
- Whatever state you’re from! You must choose the name of that state.
- Following that, a list of district names will appear in front of you.
- Whatever district you’re from! You can also take advantage of the schemes run in your district after selecting the name of that district.
- Regardless of whether you want to receive benefits from the central government, the state government, or the district! This portal is where you can apply!